business320 server

  • Monday, 12th September, 2016
  • 14:38pm
Sites are back on line.  We have discovered there is a rogue account on the server that appears not to have terminated correctly.  We're looking into this as the cause of Easy Apache Failing and the cause of the downtime.  A senior is working on this right now but as of now all sites are loading.

Easy Apache has failed to rebuild.  This has been escalated to our senior support admin and it is actively being worked on.  We believe some rogue file permissions are the cause.  We're sorry for the extended outage.

We're recompiling apache on the server.  Please bear with us this process should take no more than 30 minutes.  We're aware all websites are displaying a forbidden error at this time.


We're working to stabilise the load then we need to determine the cause and work to rebuild apache to bring websites back on line.  We thank you for your extended patience.

We're aware of an issue with apache on business320 server and our team are working on a fix now.
  We apologise for the inconvenience caused and we'd as you to be patient while we work to fix
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