XEN143 Outage

  • Thursday, 10th September, 2020
  • 06:14am

10 September 10.50am
So sorry for the extended delay but our remote hands in the data centre have now moved the drives into a new physical machine. The node is now back online and all virtual machines have successfully booted. We thank you again for your patience.

10 September 10.00am
Our data centre are still working to resolve this hardware issue. As a precaution we have started restores from backup which we hope we will not need. We are really sorry for the extended outage on this node. 

10 September 8.25am
The data centre remote hands people have yet to provide an update.  Our SLA is 2 hours for hardware replacement.  It’s now pushing that deadline and they appear to be busy.  We fully appreciate for those clients who are down this is frustrating.  We’re asked the remote hands to give priority to this work.

10 September 7.25am
The data centre remote hands are currently swapping the drives into a space chassis.  We’ll update this post the moment we know more.

10 September 6.35am
Our remote hands in the data centre have advised us that the physical server is not powering on and like us are unable to get it to power on.  They Will move the hard drives to a new physical chassis and we will update this as soon as we know more.

10 September 2020 - 6am
We are aware that XEN143 appears to be down.  We do have Console access to the server but it will not power up. We’ve reached out to our data centre remote hands for assistance in troubleshooting.  There are 7 affected servers on this node and we’re truly sorry for your downtime.  As soon as we know anything we will post to this page.



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