Lite Plan Shared Hosting - Change of Control Panel

  • چهارشنبه, 5th January, 2022
  • 10:52am

5 January 2022

This announcement only affects Lite Plan customers.

As announced in October and November, cPanel has now implemented another price increase that's above the UK's inflation rate and increasing the 'per account' partner price to 20 US Cents per account per month. This is a continuation of the rather extreme price rises going on for the past few years. Price rises that we expect will continue for the control panel. As a company, we do not want to further increase Lite Plan costs as we have done in the past to meet cPanel's price hikes. We are continually being forced to hike up the average cost of hosting websites online for all customers, which bothers us, so we've decided to make a change. We will be starting the process of moving Lite Plan hosting to another control panel called DirectAdmin. This is an equivalent control panel and will serve your needs just as well as cPanel and will stop us from being beholden to cPanel's price practices.

We've been testing during the months of October, November, and December, and out of 500 Lite Plan accounts we moved over to DirectAdmin, only a handful of clients contacted us with concerns. Concerns we quickly resolved and with a positive outcome.

We'll be aiming to move all our remaining Lite Plan clients within the next three months. Our team will transfer your website for you, test your site's functionality and ensure everything works to the best of our ability. Any issues (and those should be extremely rare), you will be given top priority by our support to resolve.

If any client prefers to stay on cPanel, we can facilitate that, but it will increase your monthly cost to £5.99 + VAT per month (pro-rata from cPanel's price increase). For anyone who moves to DirectAdmin, we promise not to review your hosting plan's cost (more than standard UK inflation) for at least two years. You can also lock in your cost for up to 5 years by pre-paying in advance on the popular 'Pay 10 months, get 12 months service' offer.

As a small, locally-owned company that employs 17 local staff here in the UK, we really appreciate your business and loyalty as we work to transition your hosting service from the cPanel Control Panel to the DirectAdmin Control Panel and get away from being beheld to future price rises by the new owners of cPanel. To put this in perspective, in as many years since cPanel had been bought over (2019), the price has risen by approximately 400%. 

Please reach out to our team should you have any questions.


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