Monday 25 March 2024 - 5.00pm
Restores from the 2 failed servers are 50% complete. They will complete in the coming hours and as each account completes that site will start loading.
Monday 25 March 2024 - 3.30pm
Unfortunately the senior team are having no joy recovering the 2 servers so we are moving onto a restore situation. We thank those affected for their extreme patience as this is not the level of uptime we aim to deliver for the small number of clients who are directly affected by this node failure. The node is showing as having a healthy disk array but we believe this is a false representation as the errors point to that.
Monday 25 March 2024 - 1.15pm
The databases on server 43 are now dumping and will soon be restored please be assured this is being worked on with top priority and the team member on this is not working on anything else.
Monday 25 March 2024 - 12.30pm
The team are still actively working to recover server 43 MySQL and we thank you for your extended patience. The moment we have an update we will let you know.
Monday 25 March 2024 - 11.30am
The Disk for Server 43 has been recovered but MySQL is not starting with INNODB Indexes being corrupt. We need to dump all dbs, wipe mysql and reimport but server 43 shared server should be recoverable at this time. We'll update here the monent we know more. The other server that is down is also being worked on to recovrer the disk.
Monday 25 March 2024 - 11am
We are aware of an issue with one VPS Node in our Maidenhead Data Centre that has caused corruption on Server 43 Shared Server and a Managed VPS belonging to another client. Our senior admins are working to try to recover these servers. Whilst they do that the support team are building 2 new servers and commencing a restore from the most recent backup to ensure a faster recovery should the senior admins not be able to recover the failed servers. Please be assured the team are working as fast as they can to resolve this issue with these 2 servers.
As one of the failed servers is a BWF shared server (with a number of clients) the team are really busy with clients on live chat seeking updates - we completely understand the need for communication at this time but we would ask you to refer to this page for updates as the support team on live chat will not have any additional information. We will post here the moment we have an update.