June 2011 Offer of the Month

  • Tuesday, 31st May, 2011
  • 21:20pm

The June 2011 Offer of the Month is for existing clients who may want to upgrade their account a larger package.  This month we are offering half price upgrades when you upgrade today and pay for another year.The half price upgrades apply for life as well so that is what makes this offer extra special.

It's simple.  Look at this example.  Let's say you are on the BWFs1 plan at £14.99 per year and you want to upgrade to BWFs2 plan at £24.99 per year.  The difference in price is £10 per year so your upgrade will be £5 per year more - ie £19.99 per year and your new recurring price will be £19.99 per year.  The discount you get by upgrading now stays with you.

Talk to us today about this great offer

Some points to note:

  • Legacy plans will be treated like BWFs1 plans so anyone on an old gold, silver or bronze plan will need to upgrade to BWFs2 to avail of this offer.  ie.  You cannot upgrade from the old Gold plan at £12.49 to the new BWFs1 plan at £14.99. You must upgrade to the BWFs2 plan or higher.
  • Any remaining months left on the old plan will be upgraded half price too.  So let's say you have 6 months remaining on the BWFs1 plan and you are upgrading to the BWFs2 plan in the UK. You will need to pay a little extra to upgrade your account for the duration of the remaining pre paid time - that will of course be half price too.  Contact us for a quotation based on your hosting account and we will be pleased to povide it.

To avail of this offer just open a support ticket by completing the contact form on our website.

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